
Detalhes do produto

If you've ever said the wrong thing (or said the right thing the wrong way), you know how quickly your mouth can make a big mess. But it doesn't have to be that way. This 6-session video study explores how your wiring affects what you say, how you listen, and how others hear you. After taking the 40-question assessment, you'll learn a simple framework that will instantly improve your communication. And you'll see how advice from the apostle Paul thousands of years ago may have held the secret all along. This workbook is intended to be used with the I Said This, You Heard That; videos, available for free on the App (App Store and Google Play) and on YouTube.



Especificacão Técnica
FabricanteThe ColorWorks Group
MarcaNorth Point Resources
TamanhoOne Size
Peso do pacote (g)531

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