
Detalhes do produto

Imagine an all powerful organisation, constrained by no nation or law. Imagine an organisation that has complete control over politics, economy, religion, war, oil, environment, drugs which answers to no-one. It seems beyond the realms of possibility, however Charles A. Matthius sketches out a fascinating network of historic figures, cults, and ghastly rituals.

Starting 5000 years ago in Ancient Sumer, he traces a hidden hand through Egypt, Rome, Europe, the New World, South Africa, and in to modern civilization.

'The Hidden Hand' pulls down the curtain and exposes an ancient cabal of oligarchs, who still maintain a global hegemony, and have a terrifying plan for our future.

Could it be possible that Italy was founded as the foremost sea-faring nation, Phoenicia’s greatest colony?

Is it true that the Israelites and Solomon’s Temple have never been mentioned by any source or historian from antiquity?

When we look at so many of those ancient empires of Rome, Greece, Gaul, Egypt, etc., should we consider whether they are better described as branches of one single universal tree?

Is it possible that false history narratives are about control and greed?

Has it all been just another effort to hide who we are and what we are capable of?

Many of the secrets of our time are hidden in plain view and simply considering information in a new way can make all the difference. Human beings tend to accept information simply because they have been told by authority that the information is true. Nonetheless, here we are, residing in a world of belief which fails to stand up to simple logic or common sense, carefully crafted by those who invent our future.



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