
Detalhes do produto

Pocket Anatomy: Figure Drawing Handbook serves as the complete artist's guide, offering instructions on depicting the intricate structures and forms of the human body. Whether you're an art student, a seasoned professional, or an enthusiastic amateur, this portable book provides inspiration and guidance for honing core skills and mastering drawing techniques.

Recognizing the complexity of human anatomy, even for experienced artists, this book adopts a visionary approach. It simplifies the intricacies of anatomy by breaking them down into fundamental shapes such as boxes, spheres, and cylinders. This simplification makes the study of the human body more accessible and comprehensible. While it may not delve into every muscle and bone detail, the book lays a solid foundation for understanding the human form.

This Book Features: A reference guide: Pocket Anatomy includes every angle of the body – from head to toe – in motion and pose. Clear illustrations: allow you to examine key body parts up close, including hands, fingers, arms, shoulders, heads, etc. By capturing intricate details often overlooked, you can enhance your artwork significantly. For all levels: Whether you're a beginner or professional, this book offers something for everyone!



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FabricanteIndependently published
Peso do pacote (g)200

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